Things to consider for your mezzanine office fit out

Certain factors need to be taken into consideration before production can begin on your new mezzanine office fit out.

Being able to conceal columns so that they are not an eyesore is one major component your designer will have to implement in their decision on how the floors will be installed.

The design itself is relatively easy to come up with, but it must compliment the area it will be placed in and take into account where the meeting rooms, kitchen area, offices, and reception area will be.

Unique Design Options

The process of designing mezzanine floors for an office is very important. What are the building regulations? Which materials will be used for production? Since fire rating will be required for certain areas, where will they be? These are all questions that need to be answered in order for your design team to come up with something unique and outstanding for your space.

It doesn’t matter if you are downsizing, or if you are refurbishing your existing space because of expansion, the design process can bring it all together. You also want to keep in mind that often when clients are dealing with pallet racking companies, these places will want to throw in a mezzanine floor office solution as part of their package. This is not the option you want to take, and it usually ends badly for the customer.

Seeing as though their speciality is pallet racking, the best advice to take is to hire a company that deals specifically with mezzanine flooring, so you know for a fact that the results you get will be up to par with regulations, and also be exactly what you want. It just makes better business sense to not take the risk and go with a pro.

First Floors (UK) Ltd specialise in all aspects of mezzanine floors & flooring, including mezzanine floor design, manufacture and installation, suspended ceilings and partitioning.