Mezzanine Floor Services

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Maximising the space within your premise can be the difference between a small cramped environment and a large spacious open working area. First Floors specialise in helping businesses across a range of sectors expand their space without the need to relocate; the space above your head is free, why not capitalise on it by installing a mezzanine floor?

You can create more floor space in your factory, office, warehouse, industrial unit or retail store just when you thought you were already up to your limit. A mezzanine floor can easily provide extra space for working or storage, allowing your business to grow without having to move to bigger premises.

Mezzanine Flooring in Dorset
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Mezzanine Flooring Experts

By exploiting and maximising the existing volume of your building instead of its floor area, our team can create another level of extra storage or office space almost in an instant. Mezzanine flooring is quick to install and brings a minimum amount of disruption on your business. Not only that, our freestanding mezzanine platforms can also be dismantled and relocated if the time does come when you are looking to relocate.

All of our mezzanine floor installations are compliant with the relevant Building Regulations, British Standards, Fire and Local Authority Regulations.

Mezzanine Floors Design & Installation

First Floors have an exceptional track record in fast and efficient mezzanine floor design and installation.

Our team can install any size mezzanine floor in factories, industrial units, shopping centres and sports centres, as well as office buildings, hotels, government buildings, restaurants, airports, concert halls, museums, clinics – we truly believe we can help create spaces of all kinds for all sorts of uses.

To find out more about our mezzanine floor Mezzanine Floor DesignMezzanine Floor Installation and Mezzanine Floor Manufacturers, or for information about our Office fit out and Refurbishments and Acoustic Office Partitioningcontact our team today!